Bretagne Easter – 04.2013

Easter 2013 – bretagne road / surf trip

The decision to go on a road trip in Europe on these cold spring days felt weird. But the forecast looking like still pumping swells and pretty much offshore. The first days was pretty nice and solid in the sets but shifting peaks and the strong curl takes the wave count down. By the way, under 10 C of water temperature doesn’t allow long sessions (and two stops by the local surf shop to by warm gear).

I stayed between crozon and the south end of the bay of audierne, mostly on the more consistent spots. Scored some waves, mostly once a day, reading, walking arround or to scenic places… I was pretty happy to travel with my own van (including heating system) again. There were flat and relay cold days and makes it a kind of mellow trip, the waves and swell wasn’t such perfect then I thought, but I have enjoyed it so much….

… how you wanna now that you are be alive, when you never was on a road trip…..

Bretagne – 04.2011

Surftrip Bretagne Frühling 2011. Mit epischem Swell in Lost March und La Palue auf Crozon. Danke der Hamburger Crew. Dann noch ein paar relaxte Tage in La Torche. Wer findet Robby Nash und Kai Lenny?

Portugal Oktober – 10.2010

Surftrip nach Portugal. Paar Bilder in Frankreich und Nordspanien (nahe Santander, dunas de liencres), dann meist Peniche (Lagide), Ericeira und nahe Lisabon (Carcavelos und co.) und ganz viel westl. Algarve (Armado, Cordoama, Sagres…). Dann noch mal im Süden von Frankreich. Oktober 2010

Frankreich – Portugal Teil 1 Bordeaux – Asturien – 10.2009

Surftrip im Herbst 2009. Bilder zur Fahrt und Biarritz in Frankreich. In Nordspanien dann Somo und Liencrese bei Santander. Dann noch Cueva und Tapia, am Ende Asturiens.