Die Ausflugswoche ging wieter, schließlich soll der Surfer ja mehr als nur die Strände El Salvadors kennen lernen. Die ersten Bilder stammen von dem lago de suchitoto, ein sehr altes Dorf in Cuscatalan. Am nächsten Tag gin es an den lago de quatepece, ein sehr beliebtes Ausflugsziel mit vielen Restaurants auf Stelzen, praktisch im See. Das Essen war inklusive einer Bootstour und einer Band und jede Menge guter Laune. Die letzen Bilder stammen von einem Maya Tempel, Ruinas de San Andres. Neben den Eindrücken bekamen wir eine sehr informative exklusive Führung, da wir die einzigen Besucher waren.
Schlagwort: Tempel
Middle- Southamericatrip Sommer 2017 – Peru – Huanchaco
After the big points of Pacasmayo and Chicama i went just a little south, to Huanchaco. A small fisher village near Trujillo. In Huanchaco i was resting a couple of days, the usual traveller stomach thing. The end of the trip was near, no swell arround and a not much time to go for another destiny, let me hang out in Huanchaco. Surf the small odd left point and visit some cultural stuff. I visited the temple of the moon (Huaca del Sol y la Luna), the temple of the sun is not finished and not open for visitors. The temples are build from the moche dinasty arround 1500 years ago. Huanchaco itsels is a lifley place with a lot of hostels and restaurants, heaps of backpackers who comming from the Andes to visit the pacific. But quiet and not to touristic.
Nch den großen Pointbreaks von Pacasmayo und Chicama ging es etwas weiter südlich, nach Huanchaco. Eine kleine Fischerstadt nahe Trujillo. In Huanchaco musste ich aufgrund eines Magen Problems erst mal ein paar Tage ausruhen, nicht ungewöhliches für Reisende. Das nahe Ende des Trips, kein Swell in Sicht und nicht wirklich genug Zeit für ein neues Ziel. Also noch ein paar Tage in Huanchaco abhängen. Die kleinen linken Wellen surfen und ein bischen kulturelles Zeug. Ich habe den Temple des Mondes besucht (Huaca del Sol y la Luna), der Temple der Sonne ist noch nicht fertig und für Besucher nicht zugänglich. Die Tempel wurden von der Moche Dinasty vor rund 1500 Jahren gebaut. Huanchaco ist ein sehr belebter Ort, mit vielen Hotels, Restaurants und vielen Backpackern, welche neben den Anden auch noch den Pazifik sehen wollen. Aber eher ruhig und nicht zu touristisch.
Sri Lanka Argugam Bay Part 3 08/2013
Sri Lanka – Arugam Bay Surftrip 08/2013 Part 3
Alright, here is the last part of our trip.
After getting the knowledge of who is who and where are the nice places, the trip becomes more relaxed. We met some locals, had tea and food at their places and beaome friends with a few. Joining the local markets, buying the obligatory sari and some other nice stuff to bring home and to our friends and family. The surf becomes better and less crowded at the main point. And still some remote spots to surf and hang out. So many diffrent people from so many countries in the line up and arround was a nice experience. But as everywhere also dickh… arround. Ridiculous to pretty heavy to swallow. To relax and avoid another direct 400 k ride (8 – 9 hours) back to colombo, we rode to ella per tuktuk. At least i sleped in those tiny funny vehicles. Ella was very touristic but nice. Even the first breaky kothu was one of the best ever i had in sri lanka. Nice walks and views in the tea hills. It was cooler then the hot south east. At the last day we shared a taxi to colombo with a backbacker guy. At first we was in wonder why the driver always asks for the way, then we understood that he coudn´t read the signs. Actionaly we drove through the monsun, the first time for us and catch the flight home in time.
Sri Lanka Arugam Bay Part 2 08/2013
Sri Lanka – Arugam Bay Surftrip 08/2013 Part 2
The pictures are captured arround arugam bay. The southerly breathe was growing up pretty early, often before noon. So get out of bed earlier and surf the main point, a dead coral reef righthander or go by tuktuk ride to one of the remoter points. After we had breaky and chill in the hot hours. Rotis, pancakes, noddles, currys and fresh fruit juices or lassies, what a delicious life. There is a lot of wildlife arround. In the morning we spot far elephants, monkeys. And even at our place there were gekos, squirrels and heps of iguanas and other stuff. A lot of small fish i jumping in the surf and i spot some turtles.
there will follow a last part, with more surf…